fiddle leaf fig brown spots

Fiddle leaf ficus plants are gorgeous, with their large leaves and delicate fern-like branches. But one of the most common concerns that fiddle leaf fig owners face is brown spots on the beautiful leaves of their plant.

The condition can be frustrating and confusing because it takes a bit of experience to determine what is causing the brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig. It’s important to diagnose the problem quickly and treat your plant to help it fully recover.

The Fiddle-leaf fig, also known as the Fiddle-leaf ficus is a flowering member of the Moraceae family. These Western African natives can reach heights of up to 50 feet. The plant’s most distinctive features are its glossy lush green leaves, compact growth, and compatibility with both indoor and outdoor settings. These plants are quite robust.

Although Fiddle leaf fig brown spots appear to be the same, they can be of many types, sizes, and origins. As a result, various therapies are required.

You must inspect the plant carefully and meet its demands in order to combat the brown spots on fig leaves. Let us take a look at the symptoms and causes of a fiddle fig brown spot.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Root Rot

One potential cause of brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves is root rot. If the plant isn’t getting enough water, the roots will start to die, and this can cause the leaves to turn brown.

The best way to tell if your fiddle leaf fig has root rot is by checking the condition of the potting soil. If it’s wet and muddy, then there’s a good chance that your plant has root rot.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Too Much Water

Another common issue that can lead to brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves is overwatering. When you water your fiddle leaf fig too often, the roots will become soggy and start to rot. This can cause brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves and damage to the plant altogether.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Too Much Sunlight

It’s important not to keep your fiddle leaf fig in direct sunlight all day long, as this can lead to sunburned leaves that will turn brown and crispy over time.

If you place your fiddle leaf fig where it gets plenty of bright but indirect light, then the plant should be able to thrive for years without any problems.

I’ve found that the best way to tell what’s causing my fiddle leaf fig plants’ brown spots is by checking their water needs: if they need more or less water than usual, then one of these issues might be to blame.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Bacterial Infection

Bacterial infection is another potential cause of brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves. This will cause the leaves to turn black and crispy, and eventually, the plant will die if it’s not treated. The best way to tell if your fiddle leaf fig has a bacterial infection is by checking for slimy patches on the stems or leaves of the plant.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Lack Of Light

If your fiddle leaf fig isn’t getting enough light, it can start to develop brown spots on its leaves. This is because fiddle leaf figs need plenty of light in order to produce energy and stay healthy.

If you notice that your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves are starting to get brown spots, then it’s time to move your plant to a location where it will get more sunlight.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Aphids And Thrips

If you see tiny brown insects crawling around on the fiddle leaf fig leaves or stem of the plant, that could be aphids or thrips.

These bugs feed by sucking sap from fiddle leaf fig plants and can cause damage if they’re not treated in time. If your fiddle leaf fig leaves are turning brown due to these pests, use an insecticidal soap spray as soon as possible to kill them off before their feeding habits have a chance to do any lasting damage.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Dryness

If your fiddle leaf fig isn’t getting enough water, it can start to develop brown leaves. This is because fiddle leaf figs need plenty of water in order to stay healthy and look their best.

If you notice that your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves are starting to get brown spots, then make sure to give the plant a good watering and keep an eye on its moisture levels going forward.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Cold Weather

Brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves can also be caused by cold weather conditions. If you live in a climate where the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, your fiddle leaf fig could start developing these unsightly marks. To prevent this, make sure to move your fiddle leaf fig plant indoors whenever the temperature outside starts to drop.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Physical Trauma

Finally, fiddle leaf fig brown spots can be caused by physical trauma. If the fiddle leaf fig is knocked over or another object falls on its leaves, it could cause brown marks to appear on some of them. This isn’t a serious issue and your fiddle leaf fig should recover quickly as long as you don’t try to move it too much after the incident occurs.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots: Conclusion

Brown spots can occur due to a variety of issues: checking for wet and muddy soil; if the plant needs more light than usual; if aphids or thrips are crawling around on your fiddle leaf fig’s stems and leaves; cold weather conditions in certain climates temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit; or physical trauma.

If your fiddle leaf fig is getting brown spots on its affected leaves, try to determine the cause and take corrective action as soon as possible. With a little bit of TLC, your fiddle leaf fig should be able to recover fully from any brown spot issues it might have!


What Should You Do About Brown Spots on a Fiddle Leaf Fig?

If you notice brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves, it’s important to determine what the cause is so that you can take corrective action as soon as possible. Brown spots are a sign of infection and they will most likely spread if left untreated, causing serious damage to your fiddle leaf fig over time.

Will the Damaged Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Repair Themselves?

No, fiddle leaf fig leaves will not repair themselves once they’ve been damaged by brown spots. However, if you take quick action to treat your fiddle leaf fig and remove the brown marks as soon as possible, it should be able to fully recover from any issues with minimal damage being done in the process.

How Can You Avoid Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves?

One of the best ways that fiddle leaf fig owners can avoid brown spots is through regular watering practices. It’s important that fiddle leaf fig plants get enough water at all times but this becomes especially crucial during periods where temperatures are very warm or extremely cold. If a fiddle leaf fig isn’t getting enough water, it will start to develop brown spots on its leaves. If you see any fiddle leaf fig leaves turning brown in color, then make sure that you water the plant immediately.