Anthurium Magnificum

Many people can agree that there is an aura of magnificence about the Anthurium plant. This beautiful plant comes in many varieties, but none are more enchanting than the Anthurium Magnificum.

These plants originate from warmer climates and are related to Philodendrons. The leaves on this plant are large and leathery with bright white contrasting veins that shine when they catch the light. Some leaves even turn a coppery color which makes them all the more spectacular!

What’s best about these plants is that they don’t need any special requirements or care so you can enjoy their beauty no matter where you live.

Genus Anthurium

Anthurium is the largest genus in the Arum family (Araceae), containing around 1000 plant species. Both epiphytic and terrestrial plants are included in this collection. Schott introduced Anthurium to the United States in 1829.

In addition, these flowers are also known as laceleafs, tail blooms, and flamingo flower plants. Furthermore, Anthurium is divided into many subsections for greater classification.

Anthurium Magnificum Plant Care


Anthurium magnificum plants do best in bright indirect light. They can tolerate low light levels but will not flower as often or as brightly. Partial sun is ideal for Anthuriums, so a spot near a window where the morning or late afternoon sun shines is perfect. Too much direct sunlight will scorch the leaves.


Water anthuriums thoroughly then allow the soil to dry out somewhat before watering again. Overwatering can cause root rot, leaf drop, and general plant deterioration. Fertilize anthuriums every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength. Do not fertilize anthuriums when they are dormant in winter.


Anthuriums prefer a rich, well-draining potting mix. A commercial potting mix for philodendrons or ferns is ideal. You can also make your own potting mix by combining one part peat moss with one part perlite or vermiculite.


Anthuriums grow best in warm temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees F (18 to 27 degrees C). They will tolerate lower temperatures but may lose some leaves. Do not expose anthuriums to cold drafts.


Aphids and mealybugs are the most common pests of anthuriums. These insects can be controlled with regular applications of insecticidal soap spray. Thrips can also be a problem and can be controlled with weekly applications of horticultural oil.


Anthuriums prefer high humidity levels of 50 to 80 percent. You can increase the humidity around anthuriums by placing them on a pebble tray filled with water or by misting them with water once or twice a day.


Caring for the anthurium plant is easy. Water regularly and feed every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer diluted to half-strength while the plant is actively growing during warm months of spring through fall.

Do not fertilize anthuriums in winter when they are dormant, as this may burn their leaves or roots.


Anthurium plants should only be repotted if the potting mix has dried out completely, which means it’s time to refresh your plant.

Repot these herbaceous perennials into a container one size larger than before using fresh commercial high-quality potting mix.

Place potted anthuriums in a bright location but avoid direct exposure to the hot sun because scorched foliage will occur almost immediately.


Anthurium plants can be propagated through division or from stem cuttings. To propagate anthuriums, divide the plant by digging around the roots to separate them into smaller clumps and pot up each one in its own container filled with moistened potting mix.

Make sure you keep enough space between each anthurium so that they don’t grow together later on!

Repot your new pups after a few months when they are established well enough to handle being transplanted again. Each pup should have at least two leaves before it is transferred to its own small container.

Using Stem Cuttings

The first thing you’ll need is a high-quality Anthurium magnificum stem cutting. The cutting should be at least three inches long, have at least two leaves, and be free of any pests or diseases.

Next, remove the lower leaves from the cutting and then dip them into a rooting hormone powder. Roots will form more readily if you place the cutting in water first for about 15 minutes before planting it in soil.

Fill a small pot with moistened potting mix and then create a hole in the center that is large enough to accommodate your entire cutting.

Place it inside and gently backfill with soil around the roots, making sure not to cover any leaves with dirt.

Finally, water thoroughly.

It’s important to keep anthurium cuttings moist and warm until they root and grow new shoots-this may take several weeks.

Common Problems with the Anthurium Magnificum

-Leaves that turn yellow and fall off: This may be a sign of overwatering or too much fertilizer. Reduce watering and fertilizing until the leaves return to their healthy green color.

-Wilting leaves: This is usually a sign of underwatering so water your plant thoroughly.

-Brown leaf tips: This is often caused by exposure to cold drafts or fluoride in the water. Move your anthurium away from any cold drafts and use distilled or rainwater instead of tap water if possible.

-Plant pests: See the “Pests” section for information on how to deal with them.

-Low humidity: See the “Humidity” section for ways to increase it.

-Fertilizer burn: Stop fertilizing your anthurium until the leaves return to their healthy green color.

Anthurium Magnificum FAQ

What are Anthurium magnificum plants used for?

The plant is commonly grown as an ornamental houseplant because it makes a very beautiful display in homes.

Can I eat the leaves on my anthuriums? Can they be poisonous to pets or children?

No, you should not eat any part of these plants. They may cause skin irritation if handled and some parts can be toxic so play it safe by keeping them away from small children and pets.

Where do I get one of these beauties?

You can purchase your own Anthurium Magnificum at local nurseries or online through gardening websites where tons of different types exist with all sorts of unique colors and markings.

Can I propagate my velvety Anthurium by division or stem cutting?

Yes, you can propagate your plant in both ways. For more information on how to do so, please see the “Propagation” and “Using Stem Cuttings” sections of this article.

My Anthurium magnificum has leaves that are turning yellow and falling off. What’s wrong with it and how do I fix it?

This is usually a sign of overwatering or too much fertilizer. Reduce watering and fertilizing until the leaves return to their healthy green color.

Now you know all about Anthurium Magnificum care, propagation, and repotting needs! Enjoy these magnificent plants for years of lush, leafy beauty.