Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight

Scindapsus Treubii is a unique, green houseplant that is difficult to come by yet popular among botanists. There are two kinds: Scindapsus Moonlight and Scindapsus Dark form. The leaves of the Candlelight form are more milky-green in color with a hint of silver at the center of the leaf, whereas the Dark form has blacker leaves without any trace of silver. This one is really difficult to find.

Climbing and trailing plants may be supported by utilizing a steel wire or a bamboo stick. Providing them with external support might help them grow more quickly. Not only are these plants attractive to look at, but they’re also quite beneficial to have in our homes. According To NASA, these plants can eliminate many pollutants including formaldehyde, which is prevalent almost everywhere in our houses, the carpets, the furniture, and so on.

The only thing to remember is that a Scindapsus Treubii isn’t the same as a Scindapsus Pictus. Because they come from the same family of plants, they appear to be very similar, but you may tell them apart by examining their leaves. A plant with leaves like those of a Treubii has considerably narrower foliage than a plant with leaves like those of a Pictus.

Plant Classification

  • Family: Araceae
  • Subfamily: Monsteroideae
  • Genus: Scindapsus

About the Genus Scindapsus

The Epipremnum plants are frequently mistaken for this species of flowering plants, but the biggest distinction between them is in their seeds. A Scindapsus plant has only one ovule in each ovarian cup, whereas Epipremnum has more than one seed.

The Scindapsus Pictus is the most widely grown species in this genus, whereas the Scindapsus Treubii is the rarest. The Scindapsus Officinalis is another well-known and intriguing member of this family. These plants can be used to treat diarrhea and intestinal worms by making herbal medicines. They’re currently being researched for their potential as anti-cancer therapies.

Origin and Distribution

The Scindapsus family of plants is found in South-East Asia, Pacific Islands, and Queensland. Scindapsus Treubii comes from the tropical rainforests of Asia.

Scindapsus Treubii Features

Physical Characteristics of Scindapsus Treubii

The Scindapsus Treubii is a small plant with shiny, dark green leaves. It’s easy to recognize because its leaf stalk is curved at the tip. As they mature, these plants grow downward instead of upward as other houseplants do. They’re usually around 12-15 inches tall when fully grown and can be up to 24 inches wide therefore you need to give them enough space in your home for optimal growth.

Foliage and Stem

The leaves are three-quarters of an inch wide, have a smooth stem, and are green in color with hints of silver. This is where the plant gets its name “Scindapsus Moonlight.” These leaves can grow up to 12 or 60 centimeters in length and have a beautiful silky sheen. If given strong, sturdy support such as a stalk or bamboo stick, the leaves will reach their full-size potential.


The Scindapsus Treubii is evergreen, which means that it will keep its lush green beauty all year if given the proper Scindapsus Treubii care. The older the plant, the more beautiful it becomes.


They can grow and climb as tall as 6-8 feet if kept in the proper conditions.

Temperature Tolerance

The majority of these plants are adaptable to a wide range of temperatures and conditions, but they are sensitive to cold environments. When the temperature drops below 10°C, it is suggested that you move them indoors or warm up the environment for them.

Humidity Tolerance

Scindapsus Treubii plants appreciate humidity and are highly resilient to it since they come from tropical regions. If you reside in a dry environment, an indoor humidifier may be beneficial. Distilled water can also be used to gently mist the plant on occasion if you don’t have access to an air conditioner or other type of cooling device.


Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight plants are not drought-resistant. They are tropical plants that need a lot of water and humidity, so if they aren’t given enough to drink, they won’t survive.

Disease and Pest Resistance

In most conditions, these plants are highly resistant to pests and infections, but if they do get infested with an unwanted insect species, you may use a good, commercial pesticide to eliminate the problem. Just be careful not to overuse it since it is a hazardous chemical after all.


Overall, Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight plants are fast-growing plants that may develop from cuttings into mature specimens in as little as a few months if given the right amount of attention and atmosphere to thrive in.


Unfortunately, these plants are highly poisonous and can’t be eaten by animals or people. It is prudent that you store them someplace inaccessible to your pets or children.


Scindapsus Treubii is a demanding but rewarding plant to grow. It has a long-lasting life cycle, requiring little maintenance, and may live for years if given ideal Scindapsus Treubii care, so you won’t have to worry about it expiring for a long time.


In general, these plants are not difficult to take care of. They don’t require any particular or extra attention in terms of maintenance. People that find it difficult to tend to their plants on a daily basis can keep them.


In the winter, these plants go dormant, meaning they “go to sleep” and wake up only when spring arrives. It’s critical to remember that this plant’s slowed development in the winter is natural; overwatering or overfeeding it will do no good and will only harm the Treubii.

Scindapsus Treubii Care

Scindapsus Treubii must be kept in a warm, bright room with indirect illumination. They may live comfortably in a standard potting medium and should only need to be re-potted once every few years. Once the soil feels dry, water them lightly, then mist them occasionally.

Water Requirements

Water the plants every few days, but don’t water them again until they’ve had a break between watering sessions. Before you water it again, check to see if the surface soil is dry at least 1 to 2 inches below the surface of the dirt. Some people wait for their leaves to curl before watering them because this indicates that the plant is thirsty. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t overwater the soil and that it isn’t soggy or clogged with water.

Treubii Moonlight Soil Requirements

For scindapsus treubii, the best soil will be a well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix. Perlite, orchid bark, and compost may be used as soil amendments for the plant. Make sure they’re all in roughly equal proportions.

Sunlight Requirements

Scindapsus Treubii prefers to live in strong, artificial light, but not direct sunshine. As a result, you may put it in a bright area with lots of filtered natural light or even artificial growing lights, but not outside under the scorching sun or where it is shaded. Its leaves would burn if exposed to direct sunlight.

Temperature Requirements

Most succulents thrive between 12 and 28 degrees Celsius, although they’re more adaptable in cold weather. Cold temperatures are harmful; avoid them at all costs. Make certain that your plant isn’t positioned right beside a fan or an air conditioner.

Humidity Requirements

Because they come from a typical, tropical rainforest ecosystem, they like humidity and benefit from occasional water applications. You may also use an indoor humidifier if you’d prefer to go the extra mile.

Fertilizer Requirements

This plant requires monthly fertilization during the growing seasons (mainly spring and summer). It prefers a high-nitrogen or well-balanced fertilizer for healthy foliar development.


Because they don’t require much re-potting, these plants are ideal for individuals who want to create their own terrarium. When the roots of the plant protrude from the drainage holes in the pot it indicates that your potted plants have outgrown their container. In addition, if your plant’s soil or pot becomes infected or water-clogged, you may exchange them.

Grooming and Pruning

If you believe the plant is growing out of control, you may always trim it to remove any extra growth. This is suggested to be performed during the spring growth season rather than the dormant months.

Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Propagation

The easiest method to grow a Scindapsus plant is to cut the tip, which should be done in soil since the plant will have a harder time adjusting from water to dirt after. It’s best to do this during the spring season. Propagate a Treubii while it is dormant at your own risk!

  • To begin, clean your instruments and equipment since you don’t want to bring any germs or illnesses home with you. Also, be sure to wear gloves when working with porcelain.
  • Take a sharp, clean knife or scissors and snip off the tip of the tooth.
  • Try to make a clean cut just below the node, where the roots will develop.
  • Remove the bottom leaf and insert the cutting into a prepared container with a damp soil combination of equal parts peat moss and perlite.
  • To simulate a humidifier, cover the pot with a transparent, plastic bag and place it in bright, indirect light. Just be sure to refill the bag on a regular basis to avoid any bacterial development within.
  • Remove the bag after roots have formed and transfer the cutting to a larger pot to live permanently in.
  • Now you can begin to treat it as an adult plant with love and care!


Week 1-2: Plant the cuttings in a soil combination and water them as needed or often.

Week 3-6: By now, the roots should have started developing. Make careful not to overwater the plant right now.

Month 2-4: You may now move the developing cutting to its final permanent container, water it, and feed it as a mature plant.


Why Are My Scindapsus Leaves Turning Yellow?

It’s possible that the plant has been overwatered or that the soil isn’t draining properly. Watering the plant too close to its roots can make it stop growing and appear unhealthy.

Check the pot’s drainage holes to ensure they are not clogged. Check the soil for the appropriate mixture and texture if everything is in proper working order with the container. A thick or poor soil can hinder water drainage and keep water near the plant’s roots. Finally, be sure you’re not watering your plant too often or excessively.

Why is My Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Leaves Curling and Drooping?

This might be caused by three things or a combination of them. First, make sure your plant is getting enough water. A drooping and wilting Scindapsus may be an indication that it is under-watered. Water the plant as soon as the soil is dry once again.

Next, make sure the plant is receiving enough light. You are not supposed to place it in direct sunlight, but keeping it in a shaded location for too long might make it appear unhealthy. Find a balance and put it in a bright, well-lit room with lots of indirect, filtered light as we previously said.

If these options aren’t suitable, see if the plant’s roots have outgrown the container it is currently in. You may guess by looking at the drainage holes of the container. If you see roots emerging from them, then the plant has outgrown its current pot and needs to be re-potted into a larger, more appropriate one.

How to Display Your Scindapsus Treubii Plant

These plants thrive well when grown upright next to a support or in a hanging basket. Their green lush foliage makes them an excellent choice as a bathroom plant or for hanging on the balcony. Make sure you trim their vines on a regular basis if you’re going to hang them because their vines can become annoying after they grow too long. Also, make sure they aren’t accessible to pets or children since they are extremely poisonous if ingested. When standing upright with support or against a wall, they tend not to get very tall and appear quite attractive on their own.

Last Words

The Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight is a captivating, uncommon climbing plant with beautiful green leaves. It’s not only gorgeous to look at, but it’s also easy to care for and low-maintenance, making it ideal for houseplant enthusiasts with a hectic schedule. These plants require moderate home conditions in order to thrive, so they’re not too demanding when it comes to maintaining their form. Just make sure your pets and children don’t get near them because they aren’t very safe meals!