If you’re the proud owner of a Monstera deliciosa plant, you’ll want to make sure that you’re doing everything possible to keep it looking lush and green. Brown leaf spots are the last thing you want your plant to display!

In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for keeping your Monstera plant healthy and looking great.

Brown splotch on the leaves indicates overwatering.

Overwatering is the most common reason for dark brown or black spots on Monstera leaves. We usually go for a little and often watering strategy when it comes to Monsteras, especially since they despise being sat in puddles of water. You must make sure there is adequate drainage and that you do not give them too much water at once if you notice the leaves start to droop.

Overwatering may cause root rot, which is highly detrimental to your Monstera. It can also lead to the plant becoming unstable and unable to uptake nutrients, in addition to turning brown leaves. If not addressed promptly, this might result in your house plant’s inability to survive. If you suspect that you have overwatered your Monstera, it is critical to take action right away.

– Make sure your pot has drainage holes and is placed on a tray or plate to collect water

– Do not water the plant until the top few inches of soil are dry

– Water thoroughly, but allow the soil to dry out before watering again

Check the soil’s moisture before watering your Monstera. Digging your finger into the top two centimeters of dirt to determine how wet it is is the simplest method. Before and after watering, we also recommend picking up your Monstera. This should allow you to determine when your Monstera may require a little more water simply by lifting it. However, do not wait until the leaves are wilted to water your plant!

If you’re not sure how to tell if your Monstera wants watering, we recommend purchasing a moisture meter. They are very inexpensive and give an indication of the soil’s moisture content.

Underwatering – light brown crispy edges

If your Monstera has light brown spots or dry crispy edges on the leaves, it’s possible that you’re underwatering it. Although Monsteras dislike being in water, they dislike their soil becoming too wet for extended periods of time. Again, simply checking the moisture level of the soil with a moisture meter and adjusting your watering schedule accordingly is the best way to prevent underwatering.

Another reason for dry soil might be the soil mix. Although chunky dirt is usually preferable, you could be using a too porous soil. If your Monstera Deliciosa is young and tiny, fill a sink with water and let it soak there for a while.

To ensure that there are no dry regions on the soil, water your plant gradually but thoroughly. Because the roots in this region will die, these dried pockets are damaging to your plant.

Too much direct sunshine

It’s possible that your Monstera is getting too much direct sunlight if its leaves are turning brown. The leaves will not be able to recover from this damage, as they will burn. Monsteras love bright indirect light, but it must come from the side. In hotter months, when the sun is stronger for longer periods of time, you should move your Monstera to a shadier spot.

You can use a light meter to figure out how much direct sunlight your Monstera gets throughout the day. It’s possible that your Monstera is getting too much sun in the morning or is being exposed to too much shade in the afternoon.

When the air is too dry, the outer edges become brown.

Because they come from tropical forests, Monstera prefer a moist environment. If the edges of your Monstera’s leaves are browning, it might be because the air in your house is too dry. There are a few easy methods to increase the low humidity in your home above normal; every few days, spray down the leaves with a mist bottle, set out a bowl of water, or place your plant on a tray with pebbles and water.

A humidifier is the easiest way to keep your plant’s humidity at a high level. They aid in the formation of water vapor in the air around your plants, resulting in many happy and healthy plants that will prevent dry leaves from appearing.

You may also purchase a decent humidity monitor to keep track of everything if you’re more concerned. Make sure your Monstera is as far away from any air conditioning units as feasible because these create an extremely dry atmosphere!

  • Every few days, clean the leaves of Monstera Deliciosa with plain water, but make sure they are completely dry.
  • For a seedling tray, line it with pebbles.
  • Put your plant in the bathroom for 5 minutes while leaving your shower on hot.

You should also shield your plant from drafts generated by air conditioners and heaters. Because you may have typical air humidity, your Deliciosa is positioned too close to an air conditioner or heater.

Another option is to use a humidifier. It’s important that the area where you’re draining doesn’t get too cold, since it will damage your pipes. If you have access to one and your budget allows, by all means, utilize it!

Deficiencies in nutrients

A lack of nutrients is another potential reason for your monstera’s leaves to turn brown. If you haven’t refreshed your monstera’s soil in a year or two, it’s definitely time to replenish it with fresh dirt or compost. It’s also a good idea to fertilize your plant every few months during the growing seasons (spring and summer ).

You can use a soil test kit to determine if your plant needs more nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium. Choose a fertilizer that contains the macro-nutrients your plant needs and follow the instructions on the package for frequency and dosage.

Although it is possible for Monstera leaves to turn brown for any of these reasons, it’s also possible that there is an underlying problem that you’re not able to identify. If the problem persists or worsens, it’s always best to bring your plant in for a check-up with your local nursery!

Browning leaves is a common issue with monstera indoor plants. When the leaf begins to brown, it’s impossible to reverse the process. As a result, if the entire leaf has turned brown, we recommend trimming or eliminating the dark portions of the leaf. If you detect and address the problem early on, your monstera should recover fully and begin producing lush new growth.

Fungus or Disease

If the brown patches on the leaves have yellow halos or rings around them, your plant is suffering from fungal disease.

Fungus thrives in moist conditions, so avoid allowing the leaves of your Monstera Deliciosa to remain wet for an extended period of time.

A humid environment is not ideal for Monsteras. Because dampness encourages fungal growth, your plant will require excellent air circulation to avoid fungus development.

If your Monstera adansonii has brown patchy leprosy on its leaves, I recommend removing the affected leaves as soon as possible. For the next few days, do not mist your plant.

Water Quality

Before using tap water for Monstera Deliociosa or any other houseplant, you should always test the quality of it in your region. The fluoride in tap water is frequently detrimental to your plant and causes brown leaf tips.

If you’re using a water softener or if the tap water in your location is hard, rainwater or distilled water are preferable.

Brown Leaves: What You Can Do About It

  • Remove all of the brown, dead leaves from your Monstera Deliciosa by trimming them near its base. Prune the discolored edges since they won’t heal or turn green.
  • After you’ve completed the steps, give your plant a drink to ensure that the soil is dry. I also recommend watering your plant more often.
  • The amount of water your plant requires or how quickly the soil will dry is determined by the potting mix, light, temperature, container size and shape, and watering schedule. Instead of focusing on when you should water your plants, consider determining how dry the earth should be before soaking it.
  • If you think your Monstera Deliciosa is overwatered, check the soil first. If necessary, repot your plant in a fresh potting soil mix.
  • When grown outside, the leaves burn and become blackish as a result of excessive light. If your plant is in an area where it receives direct sunlight, move it to a location with filtered light.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brown Spots on Monstera Deliciosa

Even before it unfurled, my My Monstera Deliciosa had developed brown and black leaves. What could be the cause of this?

If your Monstera Deliciosa’s new, unfolding leaves are brown or black, the soil is too dry. You either overwatered the potting soil or let it entirely dry out.

Water your plant when the top one or two inches of soil feels dry to the touch.

What causes brown leaves on the Deliciosa plant if it is root bound?

If your Deliciosa becomes root-bound to the point that effective watering is difficult, it may develop brown tips as a result. The root system contracts drastically, and the roots are unable to absorb water in this situation.

Is it possible that a lack of nutrients is causing brown leaves on Monstera Deliciosa?

This is the most unlikely reason, but insufficient nutrition might also cause brown foliage on your Monstera Deliciosa. A lack of nitrogen is the most common deficiency. To ensure your plant receives an adequate supply of nutrients, use a balanced fertilizer that’s specifically formulated for Monstera plants.