Alocasia Melo

You have probably seen many different kinds of Jewel Alocasia plants, but do you know which one has the thickest and most heavily textured leaves?

The Alocasia Melo is another eye-catching Jewel, native to Sabah, Borneo.

This plant is commonly known as the Alocasia rugosa, especially among commercial sellers.

Moreover, it was first described successfully by the botanical name A.melo in 1997.

The jade green to greenish-blue leaves of this plant grows on erect terrestrial petioles. These leaves are thick enough to look like cardboard and confuse you with an artificial plant.

These terrestrial growers can beautify any corner in your house to add that special touch!

The terrestrial petioles of this plant develop green jade green to greenish-blue leaves. These leaves are thick enough to resemble cardboard and might mislead you into thinking they’re manufactured.

These terrestrial plants may be used in any room in your house to provide the desired impact to the design.

Let’s learn about Jewel Melo Alocasia, a big-leafed, jewel melon alocasia with its maintenance and propagation.

Alocasia Melo Classification

Family: Araceae.

Genus: Alocasia.

Species: Alocasia melo.

Genus Alocasia

There are more than 79 perennial blooming species in the genus. These plants are native to Asia and Australia’s rainforests.

The distinctive broad shape of the leaves is linked with all members of the genus by their common names, which range from broadleaf bush to Texas smokebrush.

  • The African Mask plants.
  • The Elephant-ear plants.

Underground rhizomes are another typical and notable feature of the species in this genus. Alocasia are crossed and produced in large quantities to produce a variety of distinct plants.

Features of the Alocasia Melo Plant

Height and Structure

  • The plant reaches a height of no more than 1 or 2 feet.
  • It is a ground-dwelling plant. It also enjoys spreading by developing short shrub-like structures.


  • A mature leaf is 30 to 50 centimeters long and 25 centimeters broad.
  • The thick rubbery leaves have erect petioles. The leaf is attached to the lamina at a downward slant.


  • The plant produces typical Anthurium-like blooms. The number of flowers on the plant is generally less than three at once.
  • The bloom colors range from white to light pink, salmon, and dark pink. The blooms have a pleasant fragrance that many people may enjoy.


All jewel alocasia are extremely poisonous. Ingestion might result in an anaphylactic shock to the skin and eyes. As a result, keep your children and pets away from the plant.


We keep on speaking about the dormancy of Alocasias. When the plant stops growing or sheds its leaves over the winter, no one is worried. The plant is simply “sleeping” and will awaken once it warms up again.

Alocasia Melo Care

Water Requirement

The fallen tree trunks are a good source of minerals for your plants. They also appreciate the warmth generated by the stones. As a result, they don’t like it when water reaches their roots.

Water the plant carefully once the top 2 inches of soil have dried out. We’ll provide you with an estimated timetable so that you may plan your watering schedule effectively.

In the spring and summer, two to three days should be enough. However, the majority of plants required far less water on the colder days.

As a result, once or twice will be sufficient according to the soil’s condition and weather.

These plants, like the majority of Alocasias, are sensitive to wet feet. As a result, don’t overwater them and keep their oil dry at all times.

Protection From Rain and Water-logging

Another important aspect of the Care of the Alocasia rogusa plant is that it is sensitive to rain. Even a few hours of being wet might be harmful to them.

The key is simply to keep them away from thunderstorms and showers. As a result, maintain them hidden and shaded at all times.

There are numerous people who just forget the plant outside. The plant was simply ‘drowned’ due to a single rain. Even rapid rescues and drying out the plant and dirt weren’t enough to assist. So, pay attention!

Sunlight Requirement

The thick jade green leaves enjoy bright indirect sunshine in part shade or full sun. They’re ideal if you want to keep them under artificial light. Keep the plant at a minimum distance of 40 cm from the bulb to ensure that it thrives.

Importantly, while people frequently assume that the plant needs a lot of light, it is actually only necessary to provide several hours per day.

As with most Alocasia species, they can’t tolerate direct sunlight or extremely hot climates. As a result, keep them away from hot afternoon sun and don’t expose them to temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for long periods of time. The plant’s leaves will scorch and turn brown.

Temperature Requirement

The plant is extremely hardy with a minimum temperature of 13 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter. As a result, they don’t mind our winters too much!

But if you’re exposing them to freezing temperatures for long periods of time or day-to-day drops in temperature such as below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the leaves might drop.


Jewel Alocasia plants love slow-release fertilizer pellets in early spring and then every three months during the growing season.

Alternatively, you can use a balanced liquid houseplant food once a month. We recommend using organic fertilizers to keep your plant healthy.

Soil Requirement

The Jewel Rogose rugose plants thrive in well-drained, aerated soil. Consider mixing Peat moss with sandy loams to create variations.

Humidity Requirement

In general, your Melos prefer a humid environment. During the day, the ideal humidity level is about 75 percent, but it is approximately 95 to 100 percent at night.

You should keep an eye on the humidity levels in the room. If it’s been a while since you’ve used your humidifier, consider giving it another go. In addition, you can place the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles. The evaporation of the water will create humidity around the plant.

As a result, it’s important to keep an eye on the moisture levels in your home and adjust accordingly. Too much or too little humidity might be harmful to your Alocasia Melo plant.

Fertilizer Requirement

Give your plants a monthly supply of common NPK fertilizer or a mix of home plants during the growing season.

You may simply dilute the chemical or use 1/3 to half of the recommended dosage. In fall and winter, however, the hard-leafed Melo Alocasias will not need any additional nutrition.

Pot Requirement

Simply place the plants in a container with drainage holes at the bottom, and you’ve got yourself a pretty good-looking cactus garden.

Repotting Requirement

The rhizomes like to be root bound. As a result, don’t alter the container unless you notice the rhizome growing significantly bigger than the pot.

Roots emerging from drainage holes are another indication that the plant baby needs a new container!

Pruning Requirement

The A. rugosa’s tough, green leaves may require trimming on a yearly basis or more frequently.

Remove any old or unhealthy leaves, especially from the bottom sides of the plants. You will be able to maintain the plant’s health and appearance this way.

Alocasia Melo Propagation

The plant will produce small offshoots that can be easily replanted.

Propagation Requirement

Alocasia Melo propagates through rhizomes, which are root-like stems or underground stem thickening portions of the plants.

You may start this process by taking the leaves from your plant and placing them on top of moist soil in a pot filled with well-drained loam to create new roots. The cuttings should have at least two nodes before you place it into the rooting medium.

Keep them away from direct sunlight until they form buds!

It’s recommended for optimal results to keep these newly formed baby Arugosa Alocasias out of bright light while maintaining high humidity levels around their airy pots.