how to propagate monstera

The beautiful split leaves and wild vines of the Monkey Mask Monstera (Monstera adansonii) are a fan favorite, and we know why. The best thing is that Monstera plants may be readily propagated by a variety of techniques, which we will go over below.

This post will walk you through not only the many methods for growing your Monstera, but also the tools and equipment you’ll need, as well as how to recognize and solve any problems you might encounter along the way. Before you know it, you’ll have a lot more Monstera plants to fill your city jungle!

Why would you want to propagate your Monstera plant, or why is it necessary?

Before we get into the more technical aspects, let’s go through some of the reasons why plant parents decide to or are compelled to propagate their Monstera. The most popular reason is that people want to create additional plants without having to spend any extra money. Plants and plant cuttings make wonderful presents for friends and family, which is why we always take a few cuttings from each of our new plants so they may be shared with others.

The second reason why many plant parents choose to propagate their Monkey Mask Monstera is that their plant has grown too long or has become leggy. Pruning your Monstera encourages bushier growth and is a wonderful method to reduce that winter development, which might be straggly or leggy. But it would be a tragedy to trash those gorgeous Monstera cuttings; why not instead create more of them?

If you discover any concerning symptoms on your Monstera plant, you’ll probably be compelled to reproduce it. Plant parents should be concerned about brown or yellow leaves, as well as a variety of other typical problems. We generally recommend resolving the issue first, but if your mother plant doesn’t survive, taking a few cuts isn’t necessarily a bad idea!

What tools/equipment do you need to propagate a Monstera plant?

  • A healthy and mature Monkey Mask Monstera plant
  • Clean, sharp scissors/shears
  • Spare pot(s) with drainage holes
  • Fresh soil and water
  • Newspaper or plastic sheet if propagating indoors
  • Rooting hormone (optional)
  • Gardening gloves (optional)

What are the various ways to propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera plant?

The best aspect about Monstera Mask Monkey plants is that they may be propagated in a variety of ways. The most common method is to take vine cuttings, but you may also utilize the layering approach and plant division. It’s good news for us all that laying your vines while still connected to the mother plant is considerably easier than it sounds.

Each propagation technique is explained in detail below, along with a step-by-step procedure for determining which method is appropriate for you and your plant.

how to propagate monstera

How to propagate a Monstera plant through vine cuttings

Leaf cuttings are the most common technique of propagation for Monstera plants. Because it works for all sizes, this technique of propagation is the most popular. So, no matter how big or small, bushy or leggy your Monkey Mask Monstera is, this approach can assist you! It’s also very simple and produces a lot of new Monstera plants when applied to a short vine cutting.

Step 1

  • Locate a healthy vine (or two)
  • Taking a vine cutting is more difficult than taking a seed cutting. The part of your Monkey Mask Monstera you’re propagating must be healthy for the best chance of success. Avoid using any vines that are infested with disease or pests because these conditions will be passed on to your new cuttings.
  • Every vine cutting from your Monkey Mask Monstera should have a reasonable number of viable nodes and leaves. A monstera node is the connection in the stem where the root would develop (you may feel a little bump when running your finger down the vine). Try to choose a location of the plant that already has a minor aerial root stub, since this indicates root growth will be quicker, but you can still succeed without it.

Step 2

  • Make the cut
  • Use your scissors to make a clean cut down the vine. Because each plant cutting needs one vine to be successful, this is where the roots will develop.
  • It is often a good idea to groom the area before making the incision. Groomed areas make it simpler to see what you’re cutting because they are less likely to contain any stray hairs or debris that might get caught in the blade and cause pulling or pinching. Make sure your scissors/shears are clean when cutting, especially if you’ll be trimming wet hair, as dirt or infection may be transferred into the incision.

Step 3

  • Fill up a container with water
  • Fill a container with fresh water to put your Monstera cuttings in. Make sure the water you’re using is comfortable since hot or cold water can shock or burn your cuttings, which may stop them from growing roots.
  • To propagate your plants, we recommend using a transparent container since it not only allows you to see the developing new roots (which is fantastic) but it will also help you detect any problems early on!

Step 4

  • Place your Monkey Mask Monstera cutting(s) in water
  • Make sure the nodes on your Monkey Mask Monstera stem cutting are positioned directly in water. Then position your cuttings in bright, but indirect light and away from chilly drafts.

Step 5

  • Refresh the water every few days
  • One of the most crucial stages in the propagation process is to change the water every 2-3 days. This stops the water from stagnating and allowing undesirable bacteria into it. Stagnant water not only damages your Monkey Mask Monstera cutting, but it also begins to smell horrible!

Step 6

  • Be patient
  • Monstera cuttings tend to develop roots rapidly in comparison to other houseplants, which is probably music to your ears. You should see some roots emerging from the nodes after a few weeks.
  • If your seedlings do not appear in a few days, don’t be concerned. It is impossible to predict how long this process will take, and it does not imply that the endeavor will fail. You should notice roots growing after only a few days if your cuttings get enough light, warmth, and fresh water.

Step 7

  • Plant your cuttings into fresh potting mix
  • Once your Monkey Mask Monstera cutting’s roots are roughly 5-10 cm long, you can put them in soil. To ensure that your Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings receive the proper balance of nutrients to stimulate new healthy development, use a high-quality potting mix. Place your cuttings approximately a few centimeters into the earth to avoid harming the developing delicate roots.

Step 8

  • Resume usual Monkey Mask Monstera care
  • We recommend watering your cuttings a bit more than usual in the first few weeks to prevent the root system from drying and being crispy. Then, after that, gradually alter the amount of water you give them and take care of them as though they were mature plants. The vines will be long enough to reproduce again in no time if given appropriate attention!

How to propagate a Monstera plant through layering

The layering method differs significantly from air layering, which was described above. It’s quicker and doesn’t require cutting into the stem and using peat moss as air layering does.

Step 1

  • Locate a healthy vine
  • You must also be cautious when propagating Monstera vines by cuttings, as like with all other propagation techniques, you want to ensure that you pick a nice robust vine.

Step 2

  • Fill a spare pot with fresh soil
  • Use a high-quality potting mix to give your vine cutting the proper balance of nutrients. It’s also critical to use a potting mix with good drainage (large amounts of perlite are required) since this will keep waterlogged soil from rotting the vine.

Step 3

  • Place the vine on top of the potting mix
  • Put your new pot beside the mother plant and carefully set your Monkey Mask Monstera cutting on top of it. It’s critical that the vine is still connected to the mother plant since this will ensure that it receives all of its necessary nutrients. We like to wrap the vine around in circles to ensure that each of the nodes touches the soil. Gently push each node into the mix but don’t cover up the vine or leaves entirely.

Step 4

  • Keep the potting mix moist, but not soggy
  • You’ll want to maintain some moisture in the top of the potted mix at all times, as this will stimulate roots to grow from the nodes of your Monstera vine’s branches. The ideal technique to do so is with a spray bottle, which will keep moist soil at bay.

Step 5

  • Be patient
  • Now that your Monkey Mask Monstera vine is settled in its pot and you’re giving it a drink once or twice a week, the last thing to do is wait for roots to develop. It will take several weeks before anything happens above ground, but this doesn’t imply that things are not progressing beneath the node.
  • While you may be tempted to check on the plant, we strongly advise against doing so since repeated disturbance of the root system can cause harm.

Step 6

  • Check on growth
  • After a month or so, now is the time to inspect root development. Check around the nodes of your vine for roots that have developed underground. This indicates that your propagation was a success if there is a healthy root system growing from the nodes!

Step 7

  • Remove from the mother plant
  • Now that each of the nodes has its own root system, remove the vine from the mother plant. You may now cut up the vine into many segments, with at least one node in each. It is entirely your choice how you divide up the vine!

Step 8

  • Continue normal care
  • Your propagation process is now finished, and your new plants have their own root system! Continue to care for your new plant(s) as you would your mother plant, and appreciate them!

How to propagate a Monstera plant through division of the mother plant

This approach of propagation works well for plants that are quite big and bushy, and you don’t mind removing a few vines. It’s also popular among those who don’t want to wait months or even years for roots and new leaves to develop. You can get several new Monkey Mask Monstera plants right away with the division technique!!

Step 1

  • Take your Monkey Mask Monstera plant out of the pot
  • To spread via the division method, you’ll need to separate the various vines in order to start new plants. The first step is to carefully remove your plant from the container, avoiding any damage to the leaves or root system as they are very sensitive. Squishing the sides of the pot to loosen the soil may be a helpful technique for removing your plant from its container without hurting it.

Step 2

  • Separate out the vines
  • You may have to snip away any stray roots if they’re difficult to untangle. Trimming off such roots shouldn’t do too much damage to your plant. Each vine should have its own root system, so make sure it’s in good shape before splitting it. If you can’t identify the natural divides in the plant because there are too many branches, begin at the tip and work your way down each vine.
  • To create new plants, you must group the vines together. The amount of new plants and how thick they are is determined by your taste as well as the species of plant.

Step 3

  • Place each new section in fresh potting mix
  • Plant your mother Monstera flower in its original container (or downsize slightly if you’ve removed a significant proportion of the original plant to assist with stability and avoid waterlogged soil). Then, into well-draining potting mix, pot your new plant(s).
  • Fresh potting mix should always be used, since germs and insects may hide in soil undetected. Although there is still a danger with fresh dirt, it is significantly less than before.

Step 4

  • Continue normal Monkey Mask Monstera care
  • You’re done-you’ve successfully propagated your Monkey Mask Monstera! Now all you have to do is find a good location for each of your new plants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Monstera Propagation

What time of year should I propagate my Monstera?

Propagating your Monstera plant should be done in spring or summer. Time to buy monstera leaf planters now! There is a myth that propagating monsteras in fall and winter will lead to less success, but the truth is, you can propagate your monstera year-round.

Where does a monstera grow?

Monsteras are tropical plants and come from regions where temperatures range between 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit with high humidity. The monstera loves a lot of indirect light throughout the day as well as warm nights where temperatures do not drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. These conditions mimic those of their native South American jungle homes best! Outdoors is ideal, especially if you live in America’s temperate south or Hawaii! Just be sure to check on your monstera all year round.

Should I use a rooting hormone when propagating a Monkey Mask Monstera?

Using a rooting hormone can help you achieve success when propagating monstera plants, but it is not necessary. You should skip the hormone if you are in a pinch! To use, dust the cut end of your monstera plant with powder before planting it.

What size pot should I plant my monstera in?

While monsteras are large plants that eventually need to be planted in heavy-duty planters, they start off very small! The monstera plant should be kept in an 8-10 inch pot until it has grown its fourth leaf pair (the first set of leaves after the baby leaf phase). After this point, transplant into a bigger pot! How big depends on how fast your monstera grows and what size it was before transplanting. The monstera plant can be planted in a 16-20 inch pot when it reaches the top of the pot and starts to grow over the edge. It can even be planted in a monstera hanging basket when it is small!

Why did my monstera plant drop its leaves?

Monsteras are pretty resilient plants, but they do have their downfalls. Dropping monstera leaves is a common problem for new plant parents. This typically happens if the monstera is moved suddenly, especially out of its warm and humid home! Monsteras are sensitive plants that need to be transitioned into new homes carefully via degrees of increased air conditioning over days or weeks depending on how large your monstera plant is. If you notice leaf drop, never fear! Your monstera will usually grow more leaves for you shortly afterward.

Should I use a grow light for my Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings?

Monkey Mask monstera cuttings need very bright, indirect sunlight in order to grow quickly. A grow light will work fine if this is not possible outdoors during the daytime. The monstera also needs warmth, so be sure all lights are kept close to the monstera plant without creating too much heat. If you notice your monstera leaves curling up, it could be because of the cold!

How do I know where the node is on my Monkey Mask Monstera?

The monstera plant will have one node for every leaf, but not all nodes may appear at a visible location. If you cannot find a node on your monstera plant, look down the stem of the monstera plant to find it instead!

Is it possible to propagate a Monkey Mask Monstera from just a single leaf?

Yes! A monstera leaf will frequently produce roots if it is placed in the right conditions. Keep reading to learn how to propagate monstera leaves!

Should I fertilize my Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings?

Fertilizing monstera cuttings can help them grow faster, but it is not needed. In fact, fertilizing too frequently or with high-nitrogen fertilizer can make monstera leaves turn yellow! If you want to give your monstera plant a little boost when growing from a monstera leaf, try using a 10-10-10 diluted in water once every two weeks.

Can my monstera plant get too much sun?

Monsteras are tropical plants that need lots of indirect sunlight to keep their thick leaves from drying out and turning brown. However, they cannot tolerate direct sunlight for long periods of time without sizzling and scorching their leaves. Monsteras should never be placed in full sun unless indoors!

Common problems that may arise when propagating Monkey Mask Monstera plants

Even for the most seasoned plant parents, propagating houseplants may be challenging and unpredictable. It might go off without a hitch on occasion, or you may never see a single root develop. But don’t worry, we’ve learned the painful way that no matter what’s going on with your Monkey Mask Monstera, we can figure it out.

Why isn’t my Monkey Mask Monstera cutting growing any new roots?

The monstera plant’s leaves, stems, and roots are sensitive to changes in its environment. If you notice your monstera cutting is having trouble growing roots it may be because the plant was exposed to cold temperatures or too much light! Move monstera cuttings away from drafts or change lighting conditions to fix this issue – your monstera plant will thank you with many new monstera leaves!

Why did my Monkey Mask Monstera propagation fall over?

If you have ever knocked over a houseplant, then you already know how frustrating it can be! While it sounds simple enough, there are lots of things that could cause your monstera cutting to fall over. Too little water will make monstera lean toward their drainage holes for extra moisture, and too much water will cause monsteras to fall over as well. Too hot, cold, or drafts can also make monstera cuttings lose their balance and lean toward the light!

Why is my Monkey Mask Monstera cutting turning yellow?

Monstera leaves turning yellow means that something is not quite right with the monstera plant. The monstera plant may be exposed to very cold temperatures, too much light, or it may need more water! Be sure to check your monstera’s soil to test how moist it is before placing monsteras in indirect sunlight and giving them a good drink of water.

Why are my new roots on my cuttings brown?

New roots forming on monstera cuttings might look black instead of white because they are exposed to air. Roots only turn white when they are submerged in water or soil- so if you can’t see any root tips under the bark then you know that the roots haven’t grown downwards yet. As long as the monstera plant has enough moisture to keep its leaves from wilting, it is fine for monsteras to wait a few days before planting the cutting.

Why is my Monkey Mask Monstera cutting soft and mushy?

It is normal for monstera leaves to wilt when it hasn’t been watered enough! If monsteras are exposed to cold temperatures or drafts, however, they wilt quickly. Make sure your monstera plant has light and warmth before the next watering so that the monstera plant can recover from any stress it experienced.

If you have ever struggled with propagating a Monstera Deliciosa, then you know just how delicate these plants are. It’s not always easy to figure out what’s going wrong, but don’t worry – if your monstera keeps falling down or turning yellow, we can help!

Why are my roots black?

Cuttings will sometimes develop black root tips as they transition between soil and water environments. If monstera cuttings are placed in water for too long, the roots may turn black with rot. Make sure monsteras are submerged for just a few hours before planting them in soil so that the monstera plant’s root tips have enough time to breathe!

Why are the new leaves on my Monkey Mask Monstera cutting much smaller?

If monstera leaves are much smaller than normal, then it means that monsteras aren’t getting enough light. Monsteras need to be placed in partial sunlight or diffused artificial light so that they can develop their monstera leaves!

That is all there is to it! We hope that this tutorial has been useful and taught you everything you need to know about growing Monstera. It may be a little difficult at first to determine which approach is best for you, but there’s no point in being scared of trying new methods.

For additional information on how to care for your Monkey Mask Monstera cuttings once they’ve been propagated, see our Monstera care guide.