apple in the refrigerator

Fresh apples are a delicious fruit, and if you’re one of the millions of people who keep them around to eat, you know how wonderful they are.

For a very long time, humans have depended on apples for their nutritional value. They’re high in fiber and excellent sources of several vitamins. Freshly picked apples are eaten directly off the tree, as well as apples that are used to prepare meals.

You almost certainly use apples in a variety of ways. If you adore apples, you might be wondering how long they should last. There are a few things to consider before answering that question. You must keep in mind that store-bought apples rarely have a “sell by” date or anything similar on them.

When it comes to grocery store apples, the most you’ll get is the day they were harvested. If you don’t know when they were picked, you’ll have to guess based on how long they’ve been since purchased.

That being said, apples do have a reasonable shelf life. Apples placed in your pantry may last between two and four weeks depending on storage conditions.

You may keep apples in the refrigerator to make them last even longer. Unopened applesauce will stay in the pantry for one to two months and in the fridge for one to two weeks after it has been opened.

An apple pie will keep for one to two days in a pantry and four to five days in the refrigerator.

It’s also worth noting that firm types of apples tend to keep for longer. There are a variety of apple kinds on the market, such as, granny smith, honeycrisp, or golden delicious apples.. You may also extend the life of each type by ensuring that they are stored correctly.

Here are the shelf lives of apples, according to how they are prepared and stored:

  • On the counter: 5-7 days
  • In the pantry: 3 weeks
  • In the refrigerator: 4-6 weeks
  • Once cut: 3-5 days in the fridge, 8 months in the freezer
  • Made into applesauce: 7-10 days in the fridge, 2 months in the freezer
  • Cooked, as in the case of apple pie: 3-5 days in the fridge
apple pie

What Is the Best Way to Identify Rotten Apples?

When apples begin to go bad, you should notice that they are changing in appearance and feel. When an apple goes bad, it will be softer than usual. You could even observe that the skin has wrinkled or become grainy. The discoloration is another telltale indicator to search for when looking for rotten apples.

Apples that are going bad bruise easily. If you discover mold on the bottom of an apple, it’s time to trash it. This isn’t something you can keep and shouldn’t eat. You must be aware of these various indicators that apples are beginning to go off.

The following are some signs that an apple is beginning to decay:

  • mushy spots or bruising
  • wrinkled skin
  • Unsightly holes and brown spots
  • a soft texture
  • a mealy, bland, or gritty taste

How to Keep Apples Fresh for a Longer Period of Time?

If you store apples properly, they will keep for longer. Your fruit should ideally be able to stay in a cool pantry or refrigerator. The fridge is the optimum environment for keeping apples viable as long as possible. Apples will last the longest if stored in your fridge’s drawers.

If you’re looking for a way to keep apples that have been cut, sliced, or prepared in some other fashion, sealed containers could be helpful. It will be better if you store sliced apples or any other type of apple dish in a closed-off container. It will be able to keep moisture away from the apples while also protecting them from various types of contaminants. You might also try using a vacuum-sealed bag to preserve your apple slices’ white color for longer periods of time.

When apples are exposed to air, they will discolor. This isn’t something you can prevent, but using a vacuum-sealed bag might help you postpone it. As long as you keep this information in mind, apple storage is simple. It isn’t difficult to do things correctly; apples retain their flavor for a long time, regardless of what people say.

apples in bowl

Extraordinary Apple Facts

Apples are a well-known and popular fruit. Regardless, you might be surprised to learn that there are actually 7500 distinct apple cultivars available. There are far more apples than most people would believe. Mankind has used these fruits for centuries, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that apples have developed so many diverse forms throughout time.

The apple tree is native to Asia, and certain types of apples, such as crab apples, were originally cultivated in Europe. Despite this, you may not be aware that the crab apple is the only North American apple variety that originated here. Apple trees originated in Central Asia and have since traveled across the world. The Pilgrims are credited with establishing America’s first apple orchards in Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Apples are considered to be a member of the rose family, along with fruits such as pears and plums. It’s easy to see why apples are so popular since they’re the most popular fruit variety in the world. They’re a great source of vitamin C and many people consume apples to help them maintain a balanced diet.

Advice for Using Apples Before They Go Bad

There are several delicious apple-based meals that you may prepare to keep your apples from spoiling. If you enjoy desserts, creating a traditional apple pie is an excellent idea. This would make a lovely dessert for a summer picnic. It can also be enjoyed as a special treat for the family to share during the weekend.

A wonderful apple dessert option to explore is the apple crisp. This is a straightforward task because all you have to do is butter up a pan, cut apples into slices, and then spread out a combination of oatmeal, soft butter, brown sugar, flour, and cinnamon. This meal should be baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes. It’s essential to keep an eye on things in order to get the best results possible.

Even just chopping up your apples and microwaving them for five or ten minutes is beneficial. You may include a little butter and cinnamon and serve them as a simple side dish. You may make a fruit salad or apple jam with your apples.

Risks of consuming rotten apples

Apples aren’t always harmful to eat when they’re beginning to go bad; in fact, mold growth is just as likely on apples as it is on other fresh fruits and vegetables.

Mold is a fungus that may cause allergic or respiratory responses in some people. Some microorganisms produce mycotoxins, which are responsible for various foodborne illnesses.

Patulin, a mycotoxin produced by the Penicillium expansum species, is poisonous to apples. When patulin is consumed in high dosages, it can cause nausea and bleeding ulcers, as well as raise your risk of cancer.

Mushrooms can also cause mycotoxins. These poisons may harm your gut bacteria, which can reduce your immune function and raise the risk of developing additional diseases.

Final Thoughts

Knowing how long apples will keep is critical. You want to get the most out of your purchases. You may use the information provided above in order to extend the life of your apples for a little longer. Remember that proper storage is essential and that you should utilize a visual inspection to check if the fruit has gone bad after it has been kept for a while.

You can store apples in your pantry indefinitely as long as you follow the instructions. Apples are great in a variety of desserts, and they may also be consumed on their own. These fruits make wonderful low-calorie snacks that will keep you healthy. Don’t wait to buy apples since they’re so simple to use and have a long shelf life.
