african mask plant

If you are looking for a unique and striking plant to grace your home, then the African Mask Plant is perfect for you. But before you rush out and buy one, be aware that these plants are not the easiest to care for.

In this blog post, we will provide all the information you need to care for your African Mask Plant properly. So read on and learn everything there is to know about keeping these beautiful plants healthy and thriving!

In low light, African Mask Plants will have difficulty growing.

Your African Mask Plant will thrive in direct (but not intense) light, with plenty of natural bright but indirect light. They’ll struggle in your home’s darker sectors as well as in the sun, so keep an eye on the balance. If you’re unsure if your African Mask Plant is getting enough sunshine, use a light monitor.

Water your plant regularly, but be careful not to overwater.

The soil for African Mask Plants should always be moist but not wet. Check the soil before watering and if it feels dry to the touch then go ahead and give your plant a drink. If you’re unsure whether or not to water your plant, wait until the top inch of soil feels dry before watering.

Keep your plant in a warm and humid environment.

African Mask Plants prefer a warm and humid environment, with temperatures ranging from 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. You can help create a more humid environment by placing your plant near a water source or using a humidity tray. If the air is too dry, your plant may suffer from leaf scorching, wilting, and/or stunted growth.

Fertilize your plant twice a month.

African Mask Plants need to be fertilized regularly in order to thrive. Use a water-soluble fertilizer that is specifically for houseplants and follow the instructions on the package. Fertilize your plant twice a month for best results.

Pinch off the dead leaves.

It’s important to keep your African Mask Plant looking its best by removing any dead or dying leaves. To do this, simply pinch them off at the stem. Be sure to discard any dead leaves so they don’t spread any harmful diseases to the rest of the plant.

With a little bit of extra care, your African Mask Plant will thrive and add a touch of elegance to your home. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to keep your plant healthy and looking great!

Don’t allow the soil to become dry.

We recommend watering your African Mask Plant frequently, but not too much. They don’t want their soil to become dry, but they also don’t want their roots to get waterlogged. To assist us to determine when our plant needs water, we often use a moisture meter. This is a tool that will take the guesswork away and prevent us from underwatering or overwatering our African Mask Plant.

They like humidity.

We don’t want to place this plant near any direct heat, such as fireplaces, radiators, vents, or televisions. The leaves may get scorched and it’ll be hard to maintain the humidity that they love.

When we water, let’s give them a drink until the water begins running out of the drainage holes located at the bottom of our pot. This is an indication that we’ve watered them too much and will overflow again soon. The plant doesn’t like to sit on wet feet for very long periods of time.

Warm temperatures are required for African Mask Plants.

The high humidity and warmer temperatures that these plants enjoy are similar to those experienced by African Mask Plants in nature. They can endure colder months, but they will struggle to develop any new growth at this time. Keep them away from cold windows or air conditioning vents, where they may get cooler temperatures. A digital thermometer is an excellent tool for determining if the temperature in your home is ideal for your African Mask Plant.

In the winter, repot an African Mask Plant only if absolutely necessary.

African Mask Plants tend to go into a dormant stage in the winter. This is when they don’t grow very much and may even lose some leaves. If your plant looks like it’s not doing well, you can try repotting it into a pot that is one size larger. Be careful not to disturb the roots too much, as this can damage the plant. If your plant doesn’t improve after repotting, it’s likely that it is in a dormant stage and it isn’t much you can do to revive it.

Prune an African Mask Plant for shape.

If you want to prune your African Mask Plant for shape, now is the time to do it. Cut off any dead or dying branches and then shape the plant to your liking. Just be sure not to cut off too many healthy branches, as this will stunt the growth of your plant.

Every few weeks, clean their leaves.

In order to keep your African Mask Plant looking its best, it’s important to clean the leaves on a regular basis. This can be done by wiping them down with a damp cloth. Be sure to avoid getting water onto the stem of the plant, as this can cause rot.

African Mask Plants are not the easiest houseplant to care for, but they are worth the extra hassle. With a little bit of care, your plant will thrive and add a touch of elegance to your home.

Pets should not be kept in the house with African Mask Plants.

Unfortunately, the leaves of African Mask Plants are poisonous to dogs because they contain a chemical that can induce stomach issues and vomiting if eaten. We strongly advise you to keep your African Mask Plant away from your canine friends and youngsters.

Watering African Mask Plants

We recommend watering your African Mask Plant on a regular basis, but not excessively. They don’t want their soil to become too dry, but they don’t want their roots to get waterlogged either. We frequently use a moisture meter to help us decide when our plant needs water. This is a tool that takes the guesswork away and prevents us from underwatering or overwatering our African Mask Plant.

Differences Between Alocasia and Colocasia: The African Mask Plant (Alocasia) and Colocasia

The main difference between the two is that Colocasia has a tuber, while Alocasia does not. This tuber is what gives the Colocasia plant its energy and allows it to grow larger than the Alocasia plant. If you’re unsure which type of plant you have, you can try cutting into the tuber to see if it has a white or yellow center. If it does, then you have a Colocasia plant on your hands.

Alocasia plants tend to be smaller than Colocasia plants and have more pointed leaves. Alocasia plants also typically have a darker green color than Colocasia plants.

African Mask Plants (Alocasia polly), while not as common as Colocasia, are a lovely addition to any home. With their unique and striking leaf patterns, they are sure to add interest and elegance to any room.

The Colocasia plant is edible, whereas the Alocasia plant is not.

In the Pacific islands and Southeast Asia, Taro (Colocasia esculenta) tubers are roasted or boiled and eaten.

Although the Alocasia plant has a similar type of root as the elephant ear plant, it is not edible.

Varieties and Hybrids

There are over 70 distinct species within the genus. Many hybrids have been developed throughout time.

Hybrid alocasias were developed for the first time by European horticulturists over a century ago. 1950’s Alocasia hybrid varieties include:

  • Alocasia x Amazonia (Alocasia lowii Var. Grandis x Alocasia sanderiana) one of the most popular crosses
  • Alocasia x Cantrieri (Alocasia cupera x Alocasia sanderiana)
  • Alocasia x Sedenii [Alocasia lowii x Alocasia sanderiana)
  • Alocasia x Morte- fontainensis [Alocasia lowii x Alocasia sanderiana).

The Alocasia plant has red, yellow, and green leaves, making it a valuable ornamental plant in many parts of the world. They have revitalized interest in them because of their varied colorful leaves and the ease with which they may be cloned. In the last few decades, over 40 new cultivars have been developed.

Alocasia Amazonica

Alocasia amazonica is a cross between Alocasia Sanderiana and Alocasia longiloba, making it one of the most distinctive-looking indoor and outdoor plants.

Leaves are broad and arrow-shaped, with a silvery or pale green cast to the veins. This extraordinary perennial plant thrives in heat, humidity, and water. Underground corms may be used to grow it.

It can reach a height of 2′ and a spread of up to a foot or two in favorable situations. It blooms rarely, and it may produce pups that quickly thicken gardens to form a dense clump.

Alocasia Macrorrhizos

The tropical vine known to spread rapidly and invade regions with high temperatures. The alocasia macrorrhizos, or giant taro, was brought to these hot regions as an ornamental plant in the past.

The Philippines was the first country in Asia to cultivate giant taro. Polynesian explorers carried it eastward across thousands of miles of ocean until they reached Hawaii around 1500 years ago.

The huge taro has now become a dietary staple in regions where traditional vegetables high in starch, such as potatoes, are impossible to cultivate owing to the hot climate and high humidity.

A big-leafed, perennial plant with foliage that measures three to four feet long and stalks ranging from two to four feet. The entire plant may reach a height of 15 feet and a width of ten feet. It has the same flavor as potatoes. You can eat them after boiling, drying, or grinding into flour.

Alocasia talihan Elmer ex Merr

The name Xanthosoma Sagittifolium, also known as arrowleaf elephant ear, refers to the species Xanthosoma Sagittifolium. It’s a blooming plant with an edible, starchy corm.

Many cuisines use this cultivar, including Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Brazil, and more. Chefs employ them in stews and soups as well as purees and other local dishes. Its appeal even extended to Suriname’s distant nations of Suriname and the Netherlands.

Arrowleaf elephant ear has the ability to kill weeds, making them ideal for reforesting projects.


How Do I Divide African Mask Plants?

You may want to consider propagating your African Mask Plant if it grows too large for the area. Remove the roots from the pot one at a time, separating the root systems with your hands. Only use shears if necessary. You can then put the new plant straight into its own container and take care of it as you would any other.

If you have an African Mask Plant that is getting a little too big for its pot, you can divide it into two or more plants. To do this, use a sharp knife to cut the plant in half, taking care not to damage the roots. You can then replant each half in its own pot. Be sure to water them well after replanting.

If you have several African Mask Plants, you can also divide them into smaller plants by using a sharp knife to cut the root ball into several pieces.

Just be sure to water them well after dividing.

Why have my African Mask Plant’s leaves turned yellow?

Watering difficulties are the most common reason for yellowing leaves on an African Mask Plant. It might be either overwatering or underwatered, so check the moisture in the soil on a regular basis and make any necessary adjustments to your watering technique.

Is my African Mask Plant dead?

If you find that your African Mask Plant is dying, you must act fast to reverse the process. It’s possible that it’s due to a number of causes, but we always recommend checking for soggy soil first, as well as boosting humidity and seeing whether it gets enough light.

Why is my African Mask Plant drooping?

Water stress is the cause of drooping leaves on your African Mask Plant. This can be either over or underwatering, so check the moisture levels in the soil with a moisture meter and adapt your irrigation schedule as needed. If your moist soil is waterlogged, we recommend replacing it entirely with a fresh high-quality potting mix.

Why have my African Mask Plant’s leaf tips turned brown?

Because there are so many reasons for having yellow leaves on black-eyed Susans, treating it might be difficult. It may be caused by droughty air, excessive fertilization, or overwatering.